Ride Update: I have ridden 3,065 miles (95% of the total) and climbed 86,202'. I have 152 miles/2 days remaining.
I can hear the sand running through the hour glass. With three days remaining (two ride days and a rest day in Niagara Falls), I am beginning to think about returning to LBTR - Life Before The Ride. And, as I expected, there are lots of emotions running round my head. I miss my family, Buck (our sweetheart Golden Retriever) and having a truck to run around in.
Today's route was not so special- the scenery was more rolling hills through Ontario farm country- corn, tobacco and ginseng appear to be the crops of choice. However, the group I joined worked together well and we formed a nice pace line, double when we could do so safely, and we motored along at a smart clip. The mood was light and we all worked hard to keep the chuckle factor high. We played well together.
As we have come to expect, the weather pattern did not fail to delight. Highs in the low 80's, clear skies, just a bit of humidity and very tolerable winds. I think our ride leader feels as though we should only get partial credit for our ride across country, since we've not faced the worst that's possible. I say- pound sand- rather be lucky than good. By the way, there's another America By Bicycle tour going cross country along a more central route and we hear they're getting pounded by rain. Better them.
Yesterday I got a lesson in Canadian money. They have one dollar pieces that have a picture of a Loon (a bird) on them. They're referred to as "Loonies". The two dollar pieces, which are a bit larger are referred to as....anyone?...anyone?.....they're called "Toonies". So you've got your loonies and you've got your toonies. Canadians apparently have the time to do things like this. Aren't they just cute as hell?
Speaking of all things Canadian, I've got another one. How about "Live Bait Vending Machines"? I didn't think so either, but I have by God seen one-picture submitted for your approval. Let's just pray they never lose power, shall we? This is a picture of Michael Miller who's pointing out that they dispense, not just worms, but "SPAWN" also. Got yer chilled spawn right here people. Life is good, eh?