Today's blog will be short and rather blunt. The ride today, and this is no reflection on America By Bicycle- Lord knows they were not even incorporated when this part of the planet was installed, was the most boring time I've ever had on a bike. Problem is, if you're going from over there to over here, you come this-a-way. The ride started at 5:30AM, before the sun had risen, and lasted until
The scenery never changed today (one exception was Hell's Half Acre- I'll show you a picture in a minute), it was open range with rolling hills the entire way. The foliage (that I could recognize- I'm sure a botanist would fill pages) was sage brush, a few small cactus and some occassional grass. Lean pickings for the few cattle, sheep and antelope that graze it. I did read and hear that wolves are doing well for themselves here, having expanded from their original stocking location in Yellowstone Park (200+ miles to the northwest). The ranchers want more freedom to kill wolves they deem to be predators (one local said they kill for sport- I'm not so sure about that one) and the tree huggers want them to have less ability to act. I'm with the ranchers- I suspect that most ranchers are too busy to go wolf hunting unless its having an economic impact on them and I think ranchers are more important than wolves.
The ride was the longest I've ever done, by far the most boring scenery and most of the group I rode with agreed.
The one interesting spot- a place called Hell's Half Acre- is a geological wonder- I can't explain what it is, but it is a rock canyon that just appears in this 360 acre section in the area we were riding in today. Got a few good shots for my loyal readers.
We had three sags today- all of them were in simple pullouts along the road since there was really nothing in the way of facilities along this route. The one place I saw today which had any facilities at all was a small store where I had a cold Diet Coke and a Nestles Crunch. Found an interesting posting in the Men's room which I took to heart.
Anyway, it's 4:30 now, I'm waiting in my room for the hotel to move me to a room that has a functioning air conditioner (temps headed to high 90's tomorrow) and I'm figuring on vegetating for the next 36 hours or so (tomorrow is a well earned rest day). I believe that our ride stats through the second leg (Astoria, OR to Casper, WY) are:
Total Miles: 1318
Feet Climbed: 46,715
Days Ridden: 17 out of last 18 Days
Average Miles per ride: 78