WARNING TO NON-CYCLIST: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO READ THIS- you will not be able to finish reading it and you will attempt to kill yourself. I am not liable. For anything. Ever. OK?
Yesterday (I think?), after we'd climbed Togwotee Pass (Continental Divide), a pair of self-supported cyclists (they carry EVERYTHING they need-tent, sleeping bags,

food, water, ginzu knives, People Magazines, etc- on the bike) pulled into our sag stop. You'd have thought Bono had strolled in the way we glommed onto them. We played a hundred questions with them, kind of like what people do with us. Turns out they'd already logged 75 days (started in Virginia) and planned to return home (Germany) in December. The bikes they had were amazing, German made touring bikes. First, they were incredibly heavy- I had to try three times before I could lift the bike up.

Second, the gearing was an engineering marvel (I did say they're made in Germany right?) in that all fourteen gears were contained in a sealed rear hub that was operated with a twist grip on the right handlebar. Wheel did not have to be moving to shift- just twist and go. Hey, cool song title- Twist and Go, yeah baby.

Anyway, thought it was very cool as I have a lingering death wish involving an extended, self supported tour. These machines have to be the ultimate touring bike- maybe tough to buy one or to get it serviced. But still way cool.
NON-CYCLISTS: We now return you to our regular scheduled blog. Over and Out. Roger Wilco. It's safe to start reading again. Suicide warning no longer in effect.