Special Edition, The Twin Falls World News and Crop Report
Dateline: Twin Falls, Idaho
(Twin Falls) On the day following Paris Hilton's release from Prison, the world of long distance bicycle touring was rocked when first time crosser (not cross dresser -big difference, people) Bob Frame tearfully admitted that the picture he posted on his blog which Frame claimed to be a shot of his burst saddle sore was, in fact, the back side (no correlation, people) of a stop sign. As two readers separately pointed out (Joe Burch- a sometimes riding partner of Bob's in N. GA and Ralph Antolino- a fellow long distance bicycle tourist) the photo appeared to be a traffic sign which had been used to sight in a deer rifle.
The saddle sore fraud was apparently initiated when Frame and his companion Russel (a member of the Three D's) were waiting for-freaking-ever for Jen and Brett to fix a flat, and the pair became bored and spotted the vandalized traffic sign. The scheme was hatched on the spot. (Russell has been unavailable for comment, but you can bet that Frame will share some of the heat with that little weasel.)
Frame, however, did question whether anyone had any issue with him having claimed to have had alien encounters on two separate occasions. In fact, as the intrepid traveler pointed out, "Since Mr. Burch, offered useful advice on dealing with aliens, maybe I could still run with that one?" People, funny and terrible things begin to happen when you sit on a bike saddle too long people, and this reporter thinks we're beginning to see that now.
TV commentator Phil Liggett was quoted as saying "It's now time for cycling to admit it has a problem- first with doping, now with bogus pictures. I call upon Mr. Frame to put an end to this silliness now." Mr. Frame's response was "Get a life, Liggett."
Earlier this week unconfirmed reports of certain un-named long distance touring cyclists began to surface which alleged that digital pictures have been pirated from other cyclist's blogs and put on certain other rider's blogs. Frame was heard to say "You can't proven a thing."