Russell from Delaware has the words “No Crybabies” written on the top tube of his very pretty (and well appointed) Trek bicycle.

Following a nice buffet style breakfast at the Wagon Wheel, my ride began at about 6:30 AM and we started climbing almost immediately. We climbed for about 2 straight hours-in fact when I got to our first SAG at 13 miles we had climbed 2,400 feet up and had descended at grand total of 3 feet- I kid you not. Absolutely nothing but up for the first 13 miles.

Over the next 50 miles we climbed some more, maybe another 2,000 feet in total, but we also got some wicked fun descents (probably 3,500 feet in descents). We had incredible view of Mt. Hood and numerous other peaks.
Somewhere around mile 40 or so, the ecosystem began to change from tall, dense evergreen to a much drier and scrubbier environment. The difference between yesterday’s commercial nurseries as we began climbing up out of Portland to the high desert we’re in now could not be more stark.
The end of today’s ride was a blast- we had a descent that probably ran for 2-3 miles and was a series of switchbacks. Just the right incline for me. Came down it behind Ralph from Columbus and ahead of Rich from Columbus. A good time was had by all. In fact Ralph talked two other guys into riding back up it to do the descent again. Not me, no siree.