The picture above was taken a couple of days ago. As the more astute readers have already figured out, it's a group shot of our riders. I'm in the back row towards the left side. Pretty impressive collection, eh?
Last night I crashed at 7:00 PM and slept like a hibernating bruin. I skipped the group dinner, ordered room service, watched the tube for a few minutes and then slipped into that bone tired, inky black, dream free sleep. Today I feel refreshed and only slightly worn. Free from saddle sores, I do have some deep tissue soreness in my legs that I expect my masseuse will tend to this morning. I may do a short spin this afternoon, based on advice from Danny Short and Mike Miller. On the other hand, who died and left you guys boss?
It's now about 3:00PM. I had my massage (good, not great), lunch (good, not great) and am now going to finish this blog and vegetate (great, not good). The day has turned off warm (boy that sounds southern, don't it paw?) and I'm hearing that temps are headed north from here (that would mean higher). Good time to be hydrating (my new favorite word). In fact, I asked the waitress at Perkins today if she'd mind hydrating me. She called her supervisor over, but with some fast talking, I was able to stay and finish my lunch. It was a close one.
I would like to announce that most of my previous posts have had implants added. (NO, not "UU" implants, another kind of implants) Those of you who read and then re-read my blog have already picked up it, fo' shizzle. You slam-bam-thank-you-mam types may want to go back. See, as I read some other folks blogs, I saw some dandy pics that I thought would look great on my blog too- so I ripped 'em off. Call the cops- but I did it and I'm proud of it. The beauty of this big ole digital age we live in now. Betcha can't tell which ones I took and which ones I stole, can you? So take that precious little mouse of yours and revisit my blog, new and improved, original and ripped off, mine and theirs, all co-mingled in a flagrant case of "man-sees, then man-takes".
Tomorrow we're back to work, but the ride is our shortest yet-only 50 miles. Here's a preview of what's in store for us: 9 days of riding (5 days in Idaho, 4 days in Wyoming), 704 miles (featuring 2 century++ and one near century) and nearly 21,000 feet of climbing (including our biggest day in Jackson-5,989'- where I believe we'll do the Grand Teton crossing). So, compared with our first segment: one more day, 100 more miles, but 5,000 fewer feet of climbing. The wild card is the weather, but the smart money says it gets hotter and more chance of headwinds. Stay tuned- I'll have it for you as quick as I can find an internet connection. Peace out.