Well day five has come and gone and it was nothing like the monster I’d imagined it would be. In the lead up to our tour I have had big concerns about today’s ride. In my fears it was going to be the ride from hell- hot, boring scenery, headwinds, etc—in short, a Monster. In fact, the ride was a solid gold blast- nothing like what I’d imagined.
The day started early- I loaded luggage at 5:15 AM, ate a nice breakfast and joined forces with Jennifer and her husband Brett and their friend Russell (to the right). Others came and went through the day, but I hung with these three throughout the day. I’d ridden a bit with them before and thought we’d be compatible, which we were. All three are strong riders and are very funny. Plus they laugh at my stupid jokes, so that makes me really like them.
Since the ride today is one of the longest of the tour (117 miles)

At mile 42 we hit the town of Mitchell and made a stop at the local ranch mercantile store where we had a snack, filled water bottles and enjoyed watching the local ranchers come and go.

AT 2:30PM we hit our last sag at mile 85. The 8 of us stopped and had lunch at a roadside cafĂ© and at 3:00PM we saddled up to ride the remaining 32 miles. Now as luck would have it the cycling gods smiled down on us and gave us sunny skies, temps in the mid 80’s and, I saved the best for last, a big, fat, juicy tailwind. Jen, Brett, Russell and I split from the Miller Train and

I’m happy to report that I feel good (legs are a bit achy, but perfectly useable) and I’m enjoying the tour immensely so far. Tomorrow’s ride will be a challenge, 81 miles, three pretty good climbs (totaling nearly 5,000 feet) and a really good chance for a headwind.
By the way, thanks again to Keith and Jack for your entertaining comments. And welcome to Brody and Brian from Habersham Bikes- glad you are helping me along.