The ride I'll be doing this summer is called "Across America North" and it's being put on by a company called America By Bicycle (ABB). ABB puts on numerous fully supported bicycle tours (tours include"SAG wagons" for the weary, hosted food stops, 24 x 7 mechanics, hotels, meals, etc.) and they can be visited at
http://www.abbike.com/ BTW, their website will have a daily update as our ride progresses, so check that too. The tour I'm on follows the northern route across the U.S. (the map to the left shows the route-sorry if it's hard to read) and will pass thru Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, a ferry across Lake Michigan, Michigan, southern Ontario, New York, Vermont and New Hampshire. I will do about 90% of the ride, but will disengage in Henrietta, NY so that I can attend my niece's wedding in Victor, NY in August. (Hey Kelly- I'm looking forward to the big event). For a detailed itinerary of the ride check this :
http://www.americabybicycle.com/AAN/AANPop.htmThe group (I expect 50-60 riders) departs from Astoria, OR on June 17, 2007 (where we'll make the ceremonial "rear wheel dip" in the Pacific Ocean) and I'll get into Henrietta on July 31, 2007- my total miles will be about 3,200. The group will continue on through upstate NY, VT and NH, where the tour ends with the "front wheel dip" in the Atlantic Ocean for a total of 3,600 miles. Unfortunately, I only get to dip once.
I'm told we'll average 85 miles per day (approximately 8 days on, one day off, add water, repeat) and the rides will range from as little as 65 miles to as many as 115 miles per day. I'm not troubled by any of the daily miles, but the notion of riding for 8 days straight has my gut in a bit of a knot. And it's not the legs that I'm worried about- it's the old keister. I have a box full of saddles and frankly, I ain't happy with any of them. I may try one or two more before I leave.